Home Bitcoin bitcoind nonetheless working after ‘bitcoin-cli cease’

bitcoind nonetheless working after ‘bitcoin-cli cease’

bitcoind nonetheless working after ‘bitcoin-cli cease’


I am working Debian 11, all updates put in. 12gb RAM, large inside SSD for storage.

$ /usr/native/bin/bitcoin-25.0/bin/bitcoin-cli cease has labored effectively shutting down bitcoind on my pc till at present, when it appears to have hanged half approach by the standard course of.

$ tail .bitcoin/debug.log exhibits:

2023-11-27T13:51:11Z tor: Thread interrupt
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z torcontrol thread exit
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z Shutdown: In progress...
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z addcon thread exit
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z opencon thread exit
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z web thread exit
2023-11-27T13:51:11Z msghand thread exit
2023-11-27T14:20:38Z Potential stale tip [snipped]
2023-11-27T14:31:08Z Potential stale tip [snipped]
2023-11-27T14:41:38Z Potential stale tip [snipped]

$ ps ax | fgrep bitcoind exhibits:

  1399 ?        SLl  171:06 /usr/native/bin/bitcoin-25.0/bin/bitcoind
  10818 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -F bitcoind

… and $ high reveals:

 1399 [username] 20 0 4218920 1.0g 184480 S 0.3 8.5 171:06.03 b-shutoff

… so solely 0.3% CPU used; principally, b-shutoff would not present up in any respect in $ high‘s output, so b-shutoff is unquestionably not working arduous.

Contents of .bitcoin/ are:


… so no “lock” file seen there.

So, did I do something uncommon earlier than I entered bitcoin-cli cease? Sure, two issues I do not normally do:

  1. Some hours earlier than the tried cease, I ran rescan, which appears to have labored completely effectively.

  2. I used to be working bisq once I entered bitcoin-cli cease. I’ve now closed bisq (“A bit late now!” you would possibly say…) however the b-shutoff remains to be hung.

Would be pleased about any options, or questions you may need that would assist me out closing the daemon gracefully.

Edit, some hours later. Wanted to press on, tried to give up the bitcoind/b-shutoff PID from $ high command, however that did not work so I rebooted the machine. Again up now, fast go searching within the .bitcoin dir and oh, looky here–the lock file was a hidden file, no marvel I did not see it earlier! Doh. So, $ rm the .lock file, and now bitcoind is working positive once more, nothing untoward to report.

Additional edit, I attempted to provide a “b-shutoff” tag to this publish, however no such tag exists, and I see “Creating the brand new tag ‘b-shutoff’ requires not less than 150 repute.” I believe it could be a helpful tag, so if I’ll recommend it, if anyone with 150 repute agrees, please make one 🙂



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